Derek Etherington BSc(Hons) Dip(IT) Dip(Comp)

Computer Setup and Maintenance:

I can set up your new computer or laptop, whether Windows or Mac, and carry out upgrades, repairs, backups, and updates to the hardware, software, or operating system of older devices. I can also work with iPads and other tablets, smart phones, smart TVs and streaming devices, game consoles, networked music systems including SONOS, and other devices too. Also virus removal, and general advice.

Remote Support

If you are connected to the internet I can work on your computer(s) and network devices remotely with no need to visit your home or premises, thus reducing carbon emissions.

Network Setup and Maintenance:

I can set up, repair or arrange your broadband connection including VDSL, fibre (FTTC or FTTP), wireless, satellite, and 4/5G mobile.

I can also create, configure, repair or extend your local network via Wireless links, Powerline adapters, or Ethernet cabling, within your home or office, or extend your network to other nearby buildings.

This can include installing, replacing or reconfiguring routers, network switches or print servers, NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices, Mobile Phone repeaters, xBox, Playstations or other Game Consoles, etc.

Website Design and Maintenance

I can design small to medium size websites at reasonable rates, and if necessary arrange domain name registration and/or hosting packages. I can make your site responsive to suit mobile devices, and secured with an SSL certificate. Your site would be HTML5 standards compliant. I can also assist with GDPR compliance, and minimising carbon emissions from the devices which host, transfer and display your website.

Please take a look at some of the sites I have designed. Many of these are database-driven i.e. the content of the site changes as new items/photos/staff are added or removed from your database. You can either update this database yourself, or I can manage this for you. Other sites are simpler in structure, and have 'static' pages which are updated manually when required.

I can also maintain and update your existing website, or arrange it so you can do this yourself. I can also transfer your website from one hosting provider to another, or to another CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress.

In addition I can set up email accounts, and create, migrate and manage your mailboxes.

Cisco trained.


If you need tuition in using your computer, in using Word or other Office programs, the web and email then please contact me.